This is a desktop skin for Rainmeter

You will need the Rainmeter application

Interactive Configuration App (Config options are case sensitive!!)
Cpu (Overall Cpu usage. Temperature monitor.)
Memory (Ram usage and Swap usage.)
Drives (Drive usage, up to two drives.)
Gpu (Gpu usage and temperature. Currently supports one Gpu.) Will not work with Integrated Graphics!
Network (Net, up and down.)
Weather (Weather Graphics, Description, Temperature, Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Humidity, Chance of Rain, Sunrise, and Sunset. Up to Three Days. Mixed Weather Units. Ex: Fahrenheit while using Km/h for windspeed.)

Email (Currently only supports Gmail. Left-Click to open your Inbox.)
Recycle Bin (Monitors recycle bin size. Left-Click to Empty. Right-Click to Open)
Clock (Twelve hour and twenty-four hour clock modes.)
Date (Current day of the month, month, and year.)
Taskbar (System monitor, twelve and twenty-four hour. Program launcher, twelve and twenty-four hour. Supports five programs / urls)
Themes (Currently four themes: Green, Red, Blue, and Dark Orange)

Click here to download it